Week #3 – Tactics and Rituals

Ritual Observations

Hannah’s rituals

Reflections on our readings:

I found this week’s readings to be so provocative and inspiring.

In no particular order, some things I am meditating on:

“As a dancer, you are permanently organizing your inner space.” Context is a reality that has already been internalized.

Considering the “body as a filter, a medium that produces meaning.” The dancer’s body produces signal from the noise. This requires an acute somatic perception.

How much resistance should reality put up before we realize that we constantly internalize it and embed it in spheres, before we become aware of our own limits?

Meg Stuart’s pieces that comments on the desire to watch and be watched at the same time.

On performance:

“Performance” is an ontological and epistemological discourse. seemingly contradictory meaning – real and constructed. There is a productive friction between these meanings

Performance studies emerged as a way to bridge anthropology and theater- by looking at social dramas, liminality, and enactment as a way out of structuralist notion of normativity. 

“Performance is twice behaved behavior.”

“Performances are rehearsed embodied practices. they offer us an embodied way of knowing.” 






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